Meet the EDU area
Are you looking for a way to encourage children to learn and arouse their curiosity of the world? Or do you want parents to choose your classes or institution because of a unique learning methodology?
Choose educational packages from the EDU area, which will remain in the memory of pupils in school and preschool age for years. Interactive games and activities for children and young people are an extraordinary adventure that will make them discover innovative ways of learning through play.
All of the packages are designed to develop new skills and consolidate knowledge across a wide range of disciplines. Show your kids how fun it can be to learn and make them look forward to each class with the funtronic interactive floor.
- Support for education through movement at every stage of learning
- Methodology in line with the current core curriculum
- The set includes didactic materials: worksheets, lesson plans and instructions prepared by specialists
An extensive range of topics and access to personalised quizzes is a guarantee of support for pupils from every school subject – from English and Polish, through history, music, arts, nature and geography, all the way to science, including mathematics, IT, biology, physics and chemistry. The EDU area also has an exclusive My quizzes package available with each purchased funtronic interactive floor. Thanks to the original online platform, it allows its users to complete the quiz mechanisms with their own questions from any field.
See for yourself how beautiful a child’s smile can be when they are fascinated by learning. Discover a revolutionary approach to creative fun and modern education that uses the latest technology. Choose the EDU package and make learning the most fun for the youngest!

What distinguishes this area?
- Free didactic materials for teachers
- 17 thematic packages
- Positive impact on student focus
- Over 130 expanded educational games
- Socialisation and learning cooperation
- Building habits of repeating in children
- Support for learning through movement at every stage of learning
- Learning and playing with elements of gamification
Explore the Area Packages
My quizzes
The Package is available for free with each purchased device
Package available for free with each purchased device.
Personalise your games and introduce your own questions.
My quizzes is a package of personalised games available with each purchased funtronic interactive floor. The special website allows you to supplement the quiz engines with your own questions from any field without limits, providing children with unlimited access to knowledge and engaging parents and teachers to spending creative time and learning together through play. The My quizzes package allows you to create an endless number of your own tests which will work perfectly during thematic classes and special events. The prepared tasks will also be invaluable support in the process of acquiring knowledge and learning material from the selected scope. The My quizzes Package offers 4 developed quiz mechanisms, which allow single-player, pair or group games. The game can take place in both co-operation and competitive mode, where children compete in knowledge duels. Users who want to prepare sets of their own questions for the quizzes will receive detailed instructions as well as access to an intuitive and transparent platform that will allow them to prepare their thematic lessons using the funtronic interactive floor in just a few minutes.
For who?
- No age restrictions
Game modes:
- Single-player
- In pairs
- In groups
What makes this package exceptional?
- 4 developed quiz mechanisms
- Learning through play
- Adding new games in a remote way from a dedicated website
- Gameplay in the form of cooperation or competition
- Unlimited possibilities to create your own knowledge tests from any field
Create your own quizzes from any field!
The personalised My quizzes package is available in the EVO package, which we add for free to every purchased device. It allows users to introduce their own questions into the quiz engines by logging into a specially prepared website. This way, you will prepare an endless number of your own tests for thematic activities, special events, as well as for studying content from the selected subject. My quizzes offer four developed quiz engines that allow a single-player, group, or pair game. This allows players to cooperate or learn by competing with each other. The package provides detailed instructions on how to create new quizzes. All of the necessary data will be entered into the system in a simple and intuitive way through a special platform that you launch in a web browser on your computer or smartphone. A clear interface allows you to prepare your own thematic lesson using the funtronic interactive floor in just a few minutes! u minut!

Carousel of questions
The wheel shape has different coloured fields which hide questions. Draw one of them and then indicate the correct answer. If you succeed, you will get a point. Remember that not only knowledge but also time counts in the ‘Carousel of questions’!
- Number of players / teams: 2 or 4
- Exemplary thematic scope of questions: nature, mathematics, Polish language, history, music, art, chemistry, biology, physics, geography, English language
- Form: quiz
- Number of rounds: 6
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, tournament, educational, concentration

Football – quiz
Win a football match during which not only quick reflexes but also knowledge is important! Every correct answer to the question can change the direction of the ball. In the same way, you can also send the ball towards the opposite goal. The quicker the player gives correct answers, the bigger the chance to win! Remember: whoever is first wins!
- Number of players / teams: 2
- Exemplary thematic scope of questions: nature, mathematics, Polish language, history, music, art, chemistry, biology, physics, geography
- Form: quiz
- Number of rounds: 10-19
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes

Play ‘Associations’ and discover the method of learning and effective memorising. Read the three passwords and choose the fourth one that best suits them. Look for dependencies and think about what can combine the words or sentences you select. The person who correctly identifies the biggest number of correct associations wins.
- Number of players / teams: 1-4
- Exemplary thematic scope of questions: nature, mathematics, Polish language, history, music, art, chemistry, biology, physics, geography
- Form: riddle
- Number of rounds: 6
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, educational, concentration

Unlike traditional battleship, it’s not about wit and strategy, but about knowledge of the players! To shoot towards your opponent, read the question and indicate the correct answer. The player defending against the attack can use the help of his partner who has the chance to save the ship. All he has to do is answer an additional question. You can choose the difficulty level for each round. Correct answers to more difficult questions will help you win faster!
- Number of players / teams: 2 or 4
- Exemplary thematic scope of questions: nature, mathematics, Polish language, history, music, art, chemistry, biology, physics, geography, English language
- Form: quiz
- Number of rounds: multiple
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, tournament, educational, concentration
Entertaining and effective learning of english from the earliest yearsat
The ENG I package is a set of 4 interactive games to learn English that will make children associate their first contact with a foreign language with good fun and pure joy of discovering new words. Learning with the funtronic interactive floor will make it possible to forget about the boring learning by heart once and for all! Four amazing games created as part of the basic language pack for preschool and early school education, which will give the little ones a great fun and a perfect introduction to the world of foreign languages. Each of the prepared titles offers a different set of words and different forms of play. The ENG I package available in the EDU area is an unforgettable adventure that will effectively encourage the little ones to exercise physical activity, practice memory and train their reflexes. Exceptional quizzes and puzzles based on the current core curriculum will allow children to broaden their language horizons and play games that will facilitate English learning in the next stages of education.
For who?
- Children from 3 to 7 years old
Game modes:
- Single-player
- From 1 to 4 players (or teams)
What makes this package exceptional?
- 4 unique games teaching english
- Help in learning new vocabulary
- Developing cooperation skills
- Children don’t need to understand every word to solve the task
- Reducing fear of making linguistic errors

Crazy alphabet
The screen displays objects whose names start with the letters you select. You will hear English words from the speakers. Check out how many names of objects you will be able to memorise!
- Number of players / teams: 1
- Form: riddle
- Number of rounds: multiple
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, educational

English for fun
Learning English can be great fun. Jump on a selected picture as soon as you hear its name. You will earn points for correct answers in the next levels of the game. Check out how many words you can memorise!
- Number of players / teams: 1
- Form: riddle
- Number of rounds: multiple
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, educational

Merry go round
Turn the carousel and draw a subject. There are many categories waiting for you, including vegetables, fruits or drinks. When you hear an English word, jump on the correct picture. You can draw a new password for each correct answer.
- Number of players / teams: 1-4
- Form: riddle
- Number of rounds: multiple
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, tournament, educational

Riddle mix
Playing ‘Riddle Mix’, you’ll not only learn English but also practice your reflexes and memory. Fill in the cart with the biggest number of falling images. Take a good look at them and try to memorise the biggest number of words describing the collected objects. The next level of the game will help you verify how many of them you have memorised.
- Number of players / teams: 1
- Form: quiz
- Number of rounds: multiple
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, educational, concentration
Invaluable aid in broadening language horizons in children I
ENG II is the second version of an exceptional interactive games package designed for children in preschool and early school age who have just begun their adventure with English. Quizzes and riddles were designed to provide children with a creative way to learn words, practice memory, and train reflexes, when jumping and playing – either alone or in groups. ENG II consists of 5 brand new games that will involve children in learning new words from the scope of thematic categories that are not available in the ENG I package. Similarly to other game sets designed for the funtronic interactive floor, all of the games were prepared according to the requirements of the current core curriculum.
For who?
- Children from 3 to 7 years old
Game modes:
- Single-player
- From 1 to 4 players (or teams)
What makes this package exceptional?
- 5 exclusive games teaching english
- New thematic categories not available in the ENG I package
- Help in learning new vocabulary
- Children don’t need to understand every word to solve the task
- Developing cooperation skills
- Reducing fear of making linguistic errors

Crazy alphabet
The screen displays objects whose names start with the letters you select. You will hear English words from the speakers. Check out how many names of objects you will be able to memorise!
- Number of players / teams: 1
- Form: riddle
- Number of rounds: multiple
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, educational

Riddle mix
Playing ‘Riddle Mix’, you’ll not only learn English but also practice your reflexes and memory. Fill in the cart with the biggest number of falling images. Take a good look at them and try to memorise the biggest number of words describing the collected objects. The next level of the game will help you verify how many of them you have memorised.
- Number of players / teams: 1
- Form: quiz
- Number of rounds: multiple
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, educational, concentration

English for fun
Learning English can be great fun. Jump on a selected picture as soon as you hear its name. You will earn points for correct answers in the next levels of the game. Check out how many words you can memorise!
- Number of players / teams: 1
- Form: riddle
- Number of rounds: multiple
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, educational

English for fun – opposites
There are many ways to effectively memorise new words. One of them is learning opposites. Check out the prepared password sets and then go to the next level and see how many words you have memorised.
- Number of players / teams: 1
- Form: riddle
- Number of rounds: multiple
- Single game time: 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, educational

Merry go round
Turn the carousel and draw a subject. There are many categories waiting for you, including vegetables, fruits or drinks. When you hear an English word, jump on the correct picture. You can draw a new password for each correct answer.
- Number of players / teams: 1-4
- Form: riddle
- Number of rounds: multiple
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, tournament, educational
Edu Quizzes
Possibility to adapt the games to the subjects taught as part of the core curriculum in your country!
The Edu Quizzes package consists of unique educational games designed for students. The innovative package of games will be an invaluable support in the learning process of material from school subjects. Thanks to the use of the funtronic interactive floor, children will be able to consolidate their knowledge, compete with their friends, and fill their free time with valuable entertainment. Depending on the country and region, specific applications are created to test knowledge from the school material, in accordance with the core curriculum applicable on a given market. From 10 to 150 personalised learning applications have been created on the basis of 5 mechanisms. Single-player, pair, or group games are possible. Our apps combine science and play, and include elements of competition, while involving parents and teachers to creatively spend time and learn together through play. The substantial scope of the prepared issues depends on the representative present on a given market. The funtronic interactive floor with the Edu Quizzes package is an extraordinary world of science and play, perfectly adapted to your needs!
For who?
- School-age children
Tryby rozgrywki:
- Single-player
- In pairs
- In groups
What makes this package exceptional?
- 5 extended quiz mechanisms
- Scope of knowledge from 11 different subjects
- Gameplay in the form of cooperation or competition
- Learning through play
- Invaluable support for consolidating knowledge
Find out what the ‘Edu quizzes’
package looks like for your school
by contacting our local partner!
Mechanisms available as part of the ‘Edu quizzes’ package:
Depending on the country or region, access to the mechanisms may be restricted.

Unlike traditional battleship, it’s not about wit and strategy, but about knowledge of the players! To shoot towards your opponent, read the question and indicate the correct answer. A player who is defending against an attack is sometimes given the chance to rescue a ship. All he has to do is answer an additional question. You can choose the difficulty level for each round. Correct answers to more difficult questions will help you win faster!
- Number of players / teams: 2 or 4
- Exemplary thematic scope of questions: nature, mathematics, Polish language, history, music, art, chemistry, biology, physics, geography, English language
- Form: quiz
- Number of rounds: multiple
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, tournament, educational, concentration

The ‘Carousel’ is a set of games that include different school subjects. The wheel shape has different coloured fields which hide questions. Draw one of them and then indicate the correct answer. If you succeed, you will get a point. If you give a wrong answer, you will be given an additional physical task. Remember that not only knowledge but also time counts in the ‘Carousel’!
- Number of players / teams: 2 or 4
- Exemplary thematic scope of questions: nature, mathematics, Polish language, history, music, art, chemistry, biology, physics, geography, English language
- Form: quiz
- Number of rounds: 6
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, tournament, educational, concentration

Play ‘Associations’ and discover the method of learning and effective memorising. Read the three passwords and choose the fourth one that best suits them. Look for dependencies and think about what can combine the words or sentences you select. The person who correctly identifies the biggest number of correct associations wins.
- Number of players / teams: 1-4
- Exemplary thematic scope of questions: nature, mathematics, Polish language, history, music, art, chemistry, biology, physics, geography
- Form: riddle
- Number of rounds: 6
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, educational, concentration

Mind map
These unique quizzes are a set of captivating games based on a mind map-building scheme and on 4 different areas of knowledge. Select a difficulty level, and then select keywords in such a way as to create a logical thematic link. Knowledge, concentration and rapid decision-making are important in the game.
- Number of players / teams: multiple
- Exemplary thematic scope of questions: nature, mathematics, history, art
- Form: quiz
- Number of rounds: 5
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, tournament, educational, concentration

Football – quiz
Win a football match during which not only quick reflexes but also knowledge is important! Every correct answer to the question can change the direction of the ball. In the same way, you can also send the ball towards the opposite goal. The quicker the player gives correct answers, the bigger the chance to win! Remember: whoever is first wins!
- Number of players / teams: 2
- Exemplary thematic scope of questions: nature, mathematics, Polish language, history, music, art, chemistry, biology, physics, geography
- Form: quiz
- Number of rounds: 10-19
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
English for fun
Over 1600 words divided into categories
All of the English language learning packages developed within the EDU area can be tailored perfectly to the age and competence of the children. The third version of the ENG series was designed for students from I-IV grade of primary school. The English for fun package is divided into 4 separate games offering an increasing level of proficiency. Learning new words is still connected with physical activity, training reflexes and memory. Innovative education with the funtronic interactive floor will provide children with unforgettable experiences and help them effectively consolidate their knowledge. The prepared games offer a total of 171 unique sets of words to master, as well as some great fun to encourage further learning. Students will have a unique opportunity to familiarise themselves with the vocabulary from dozens of thematic categories, such as animals, travel, food or professions. Learning through play will allow them to permanently memorise hundreds of words, which will stay with young students over the next years of learning English.
For who?
- Children from 6 to 11 years old
Game modes:
- Single-player
- From 1 to 4 players (or teams)
What makes this package exceptional?
- 4 unique language games for students from I-IV grade
- Developing cooperation skills
- Help in learning new vocabulary
- Reducing fear of making linguistic errors
- Children don’t need to understand every word to solve the task
Discover the games available in the ‘English for fun’ package
Learning English through fun is an effective and proven way to consolidate knowledge among the youngest. Choose one out of 4 games and join the thrilling competition. Jump on a selected picture as soon as you hear its name. You will earn points for correct answers in the next game levels. Check out how many words you can memorise!
- Number of players / teams: 1
- Form: riddle
- Number of rounds: multiple
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, educational

English for fun - 1st grade
Learning English can be great fun. Jump on a selected picture as soon as you hear its name. You will earn points for correct answers in the next levels of the game. Check out how many words you can memorise!
- Number of players / teams: 1
- Forma: riddle
- Number of rounds: multiple
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, educational

English for fun - 2nd grade
Learning English can be great fun. Jump on a selected picture as soon as you hear its name. You will earn points for correct answers in the next levels of the game. Check out how many words you can memorise!
- Number of players / teams: 1
- Forma: riddle
- Number of rounds: multiple
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, educational

English for fun - 3rd grade
Learning English can be great fun. Jump on a selected picture as soon as you hear its name. You will earn points for correct answers in the next levels of the game. Check out how many words you can memorise!
- Number of players / teams: 1
- Forma: riddle
- Number of rounds: multiple
- Single game time: from 5 to 15 minutes
- Game features: motor, educational

English for fun - 4th grade
Funcoding I
Learning programming without the use of a computer
Funcoding I is a unique set of games that will allow children to enter a fascinating world of programming in the preschool education phase and without the use of a PC! The prepared mathematics, nature, logical and musical games will be an invaluable help in the development of visual, motor and spatial coordination among children in preschool and kindergarten age. The package, together with an integrated set of didactic and teaching materials, supports the development of computational thinking, introduces coding and decoding elements and object control. The unique form of learning through play and movement won’t only provide children with an unforgettable experience, but will also help them prepare for further training related to programming.
For who?
- Children from 3 to 6 years old
Game modes:
- Single-player
- In pairs
- In groups
What makes this package exceptional?
- 4 interactive games introducing children to the world of programming
- Methodological and educational framework
- Each game or play has three difficulty levels
- Develops visual, motor and spatial coordination
- Teaches computational thinking
- Expands teacher’s skills
The package also includes:
- Lesson plans with game instructions
- Worksheets

Sound coding
Follow animal tracks to discover the sounds they make. Lend an ear and become a real tracker! Code and decode sounds, compose your own songs. Choose one of the 3 difficulty levels to improve your hearing and your sense of rhythm. Find out that programming is not only about working with a computer!

Orchestra conductor
Who said that a conductor cannot also be a composer?! Grab a baton, choose your favourite instruments and release your creativity. Invite your friends to play and see how you perform as an orchestra! ‘Orchestra conductor’ is a mathematical and musical game that will also teach you encoding and decoding. All without a computer!

Similar or different?
Bees are very hard-working and useful insects. It’s thanks to them that we can eat large and robust fruits and vegetables each year. This time, however, they need help. Become a young beekeeper and help the bees collect nectar on a colourful meadow! ‘Similar od differentt’ is a mathematical and nature game where you will learn how to encode and decode without using a computer!

Rhythms and patterns
Learning programming doesn’t need to be accompanied by a computer. You’ll find it out when playing the ‘Rhythms and patterns’ game. Help the ant collect beads in the winding labyrinths of an anthill. They will help you create colourful necklaces later. Learn how to control objects, encode and decode, and take part in a mathematical and nature game!
Funcoding II
New competencies in the scope of programming
Funcoding II is the second version of a series of unique interactive games designed to teach programming among the youngest. The package, together with integrated didactics and teaching materials, will be invaluable support for teachers of I-III grade in primary schools. The prepared mathematics, nature, logical and musical games not only develop visual, motor and spatial coordination but also teach computational thinking. The games also include elements of encoding and decoding, as well as object control. All of this makes the Funcoding II package effectively develop programming skills in children. Thanks to positive experiences, they are more likely to acquire new skills in this field in the next stages of education. The prepared games help in learning programming without the use a computer.
For who?
- Children from 5 to 9 years old
Game modes:
- Single-player
- In pairs
- In groups
What makes this package exceptional?
- 4 interactive games introducing children to the world of programming
- Methodological and educational framework
- Each game or play has three difficulty levels
- Develops visual, motor and spatial coordination
- Teaches computational thinking
- Expands teacher’s skills
The package also includes:
- Lesson plans with game instructions
- Worksheets

Do you want to learn how to play chess? Or do you already know the rules and want to improve your skills? Become a chess master and test your logical thinking abilities. The game offers 3 difficulty levels and focusses on the art of logical thinking. The prepared tasks allow you to familiarise yourself with the rules of chess, create strategies, learn addressing by writing chess notation, and notice algorithms.

When playing ‘Domino’, you’ll find that one ill-fitting item can impact the whole code! Find mistakes and get valuable skills in the scope of chains and programming. The game is based on visual, motor and spatial coordination and computational thinking. It helps you to recognise figures and shapes, find errors, create chains and sequences. The virtual Domino is a great introduction to the world of programming without the use of a computer, through movement and play.

Managing a transfer of cargo in a seaport is a difficult task requiring logistics, maths and logic skills. Luckily, you can use the help of transport robots to help you correctly position all containers. Thanks to learning through play, you will gain new competencies from the scope of teamwork using technology, programming and robots.

Show your observation skills when looking for similarities and differences! ‘Encoding-decoding’ is a 3-level game around the theme of mathematics and logic. Learn how to work better in a team and learn the basics of programming without the use of a computer!
Funcoding III
Support for learning logical thinking
The third version of the Funcoding series was designed for primary school students from IV-VIII grade. Thanks to interactive games using the onEVO interactive floor, children and young people don’t need to use computers to explore the fascinating world of software writing. The package of games and educational situations around the theme of mathematics, science, logic and music not only develops visual, motor and spatial coordination, but also teaches computational thinking. Captivating games also include encoding, decoding, and object control. Thanks to additional didactic and methodical materials, the Funcoding III will become an ideal tool in the hands of teachers who want to develop their students’ programming skills through play.
For who?
- Children from 9 to 14 years old
Game modes:
- Single-player
- In pairs
- In groups
What makes this package exceptional?
- 4 games teaching programming through play and movement
- Learning programming on different devices
- Experimenting, searching and solving problems by students
- Teaches computational thinking
- Programming in pairs or groups
The package also includes:
- Lesson plans with game instructions
- Worksheets

Space station
Working on the Space Station is a job for the best! Will your team manage to prepare the place for the next Earthmen? In this 3-level game around the theme of mathematics and logic, you will learn how to program in motion, control a robot, spatial skills, analogy and logical thinking. ‘Space Station’ is a perfect introduction to the world of programming – without the use of a computer, through movement and play.

Repair the damaged pipeline and then design your own structure built of pipes. Working with technology will stimulate the mathematical and logical areas of the brain while teaching teamwork. It’s a perfect introduction to the programming world, and most importantly, you won’t need your computer!

Magical Patterns
Do you like riddles and logical games? If so, you will certainly like ‘Magic Patterns’ that focus on themes of mathematics and logic! Programming doesn’t have to be difficult, which you will find out when solving the prepared tasks. The game is based on developing team work using technology.

Counting Master
Become a counting master and check your counting skills! This 3-level game proves that themes such as formulas, transformations and algorithms can be great fun! Learn and develop your perception and visual memory!
Casual fun, meaning an unforgettable adventure without a lesson plan
EduPreschool is a revolutionary set of interactive games, activities and educational situations designed for children in preschool age. The package was carefully designed based on the latest technology, which supports learning through movement. Thanks to the multimedia content, children will remember the unique fun of using the funtronic interactive floor for a long time. All games and interactive educational situations are made up of 3 parts. The first two are tasks in the form of games or exercises. The third part is intended primarily for play and development of the free activity of a child. The extensive set of games can be used successfully in different parts of the day, in individual activities, as well as when working with a team or a group of children in preschool age. The Edu preschool package assists in implementing four main areas of the core curriculum for preschool education: physical, social, emotional and cognitive. It’s a perfect tool for working with children who from the very first years of education will find out how fun it can be to acquire new competences!
For who?
- Children from 3 to 6 years old
Game modes:
- Single-player
- In pairs
- In groups
What makes this package exceptional?
- Supports multidirectional activity of a child
- Methodological and educational framework
- Uses learning through movement and play
- Assists in creating educational situations for children of different potentials and ages
- Makes it more attractive to implement the preschool programme adopted by kindergartens
- Expands teacher’s skills
- Assists in observing and diagnosing the child’s development and educational needs
- Allows the child to acquire experience in the physical, emotional, social and cognitive areas of development
- Casual play mode (without a lesson plan)
The package also includes:
- Lesson plans together with the program proposal
- Worksheets
- Game instructions
- 16 interactive games, activities and educational situations
- Child observation cards

Play a single match, organise a tournament or just give yourselves over to the pure pleasure of casual play. You have a variety of balls to choose from. Discover the rules of the game yourself or create your own. Follow what’s happening on the board, experiment and cooperate!

Rally racing
The ‘Grand Prix Funtronic’ cup awaits the brave boys and girls who will take part in thrilling car rallies. Remember that it’s very important to have players cooperate in the races. You also have to make sure you’re safe on the track!

Animated Toys
Animated toys can be cheerful or twisted. Whatever the game mode you choose, there is a lot of fun and cooperation that’s waiting for you. You need to cooperate to let the bear move his paws. By joining forces, you will also teach him to jump! Players are also faced with an emotional ride on a bike and a fire engine. Remember: team work is the key to victory.

March with the bear
Walking with a bear is a real challenge. Can you keep up with him or follow his footsteps by reconstructing the correct route? Carefully listening to the music will help you get into the rhythm.

Annie and Johnny
Annie and Johnny could become your friends. When making new friends, it’s worth getting to know each other better. Do you think that Annie likes the same fruits and vegetables as you? Or is Johnny choosing similar toys? Take part in the game and see if your interests are similar.

Participating in canoeing or emotional regattas doesn’t necessarily mean entering the water. Listen carefully to the voice of the bird that will lead you to victory. However, remember that you have to take special care even in a virtual river!

Rolling a ball is a task for brave beetles, who are not afraid of any obstacles. In this game, you will have to avoid them by being careful about other inhabitants of forests, fields and meadows. If you don’t hurry and focus on the task, you’ll be able to reach your destination!

Teddy's Morning
Help the bear prepare for a new day by completing all of his morning duties. Wake up your plush friend and do some stretching. Check the weather before going to the kindergarten and get your bear dressed in the right clothes. Thanks to this game, your own mornings will be even more enjoyable!

Water Gymnastics
Do you like gymnastic exercises? Try to do them with the inhabitants of a virtual pond. Jump like frogs or roll a ball on your hands and knees through the wooden logs. Just make sure not to fall into the water!

Games in a Circle
A circle dance is great fun. Especially when virtual reality can take you near a lake or on a green meadow. Take steps forwards and back while learning to turn. If you like ‘Ring-a-ring o’ Roses’, you’ll also like this game!

Obstacle Course
With this game, the obstacle course created in a classroom or a gym will turn into a wild river or a flowery meadow. Be careful not to touch any obstacle. Being fast isn’t everything! Competing on the track also requires attention and accuracy.

Swimming pool
You don’t need to go to the swimming pool to take part in a ‘Swimming pool’. The onEVO floor will make the water magically appear in the room. Special buoys will help you reach your destination, so you don’t have to worry about your swimming skills.

Anne's Fruits
Fruits are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Especially these which you manage to catch while they’re falling straight from the trees. There’s something for everyone in Ann’s orchard! Do you like pears? Or maybe you prefer apples or plums? Count your harvest and see who has the most fruit.

Let's Play Music!
Do you like games with music? If so, choose your instruments and show what you can do! Drums, rattles, triangles and trumpets are awaiting the young musicians. If you want, you can also clap. In ‘Let’s play music!’, every sound is equally important!

Summer and Winter
Have you ever lost your favourite toy? If so, you could certainly count on the help of your loved ones. This time, other children need your help. Help them find toys and clothes that got lost in the sandbox or under a thick layer of snow. If you’re careful, the items will soon get to your basket, which will certainly make your new friends from ‘Summer and Winter’ happy.

Head over to a forest or a farm. Can you name the animals that live there? Have you already seen them live? Meeting a stork or sheep is an unforgettable adventure. However, remember not to make any noise. A forest or a farm is a home for animals, so they shouldn’t be disturbed!
Cycling license
Road traffic rules without secrets
A cycling exam is a very important event for children. It’s worth showing them from an early age that preparing for exams doesn’t have to be difficult or boring! Cycling license is a huge amount of knowledge combined with innovative ways to learn the material. The package contains questions from the scope of road traffic. Thanks to the unique form of learning through play, children will learn traffic rules more quickly and sustainably – even the most complicated ones. The effect of individual or team activity will be an effective mastering of the rules and the cycling license passed on the first try!
For who?
- Children from 10 to 18 years old
Game modes:
- Single-player
- In pairs
- In groups
What makes this package exceptional?
- 4 educational games preparing children for a cycling exam
- Single-player or a group game
- Familiarising children with preparing for exams
- Learning through play
The package also includes:
- Lesson plans with game instructions
- Worksheets

Traffic rules
Do you know how to ride your bike on public roads? Do you know traffic rules and can you recognise the signs? Test your knowledge and win… a football match! In this game, any correct answer can change the direction of the ball or make it fly faster towards the opponent’s goal. Take on a friend or play in a team. Whoever is first wins! The person or team who first scores 10 goals wins.

In this unusual game, you are in charge of a boat, but you are bound by… road traffic rules! Select the difficulty level of the question, and then select the correct answer to shoot in the direction of the enemy’s ship. The player defending against the attack can use the help of his partner who has the chance to save the ship. All he has to do is answer an additional question. You can choose the difficulty level for each round. Correct answers to more difficult questions will help you win faster! 2 to 4 players or teams can participate in the game.

Carousel of questions
Can you cycle quickly and safely? If so, you’re going to have fun like on a carousel! However, before starting your adventure with road traffic, test your knowledge before a cycling exam. The wheel shape has different coloured fields which hide questions. Draw one of them and then indicate the correct answer. If you succeed, you will get a point. Remember that not only knowledge but also time counts in the ‘Carousel of questions’!

Road signs
A good cyclist has to show good reflexes and observation skills. Knowledge of road signs is also necessary. Can you correctly name all of them? This game will allow you to find out. The game is intended for 1 person or a team. Remember, if you need help, you can count on the support of your fans!
The world’s first interactive educational robot that evolves together with the child
The package of Photon applications is the experience of augmented reality, thanks to the collaboration of modern devices in the real world, and also an extraordinary way of learning coding. Our package is not just about expanded games. To use them, you also need the phenomenal Photon education robot cooperating with the funtronic interactive floor, the most innovative out of the ones available on the market. You can buy it separately to complete this great set of applications. Photon – as a modern didactic tool that helps teachers bring children into the world of basis of programming, creative thinking and ‘out of the box’ problem-solving. The games available in the EDU area, developed as part of the unique Photon package, are the first ever combination of advanced augmented reality technology with a robot. The funtronic interactive floor provides an interactive, animated work environment that strongly stimulates and enhances engagement in lessons. It’s a revolutionary combination of carefully prepared games and two modern devices, in addition to programming, it teaches children the very meaning of augmented reality and shows how to use new technologies in a useful way. The robot’s nice look encourages interaction, and just interacting with it brings plenty of positive emotions. At the beginning, we program the robot using an application on a phone or a computer, and then we place it on the funtronic interactive floor and help it solve the tasks using computational thinking. Photon allows the robot to be programmed in various ways: with images, with ready-made blocks, with a simplified console, and for advanced users there is Scratch and popular programming languages – Javascript or Python.
For who?
- Children from 6 to 14 years old
Game modes:
- Single-player
- In pairs
- In groups
What makes this package exceptional?
- 4 exclusive games cooperating with the innovative photon robot
- Methodological and educational framework
- Doesn’t require advanced technical knowledge and programming experience
- Suitable for all stages of education
- Combines fun and learning using the elements of competition

Spring picnic
There’s nothing better than eating outdoors. So join the picnic together with Photon. Help the robot collect all of the fruits that have fallen out of the basket. Only then will you be able to start the feast!

Fruit harvest
Photon loves fruits. Help the robot collect as much of them as possible. However, keep in mind that garden insects also have a craving for robust strawberries and grapes. Be faster than them to let Photon finish the round with a full belly.

Colourful shapes
Do you love new technologies and have the soul of an artist? That’s perfect. Together with Photon, you will program real works of art. Who knows, perhaps they will be displayed in school galleries?

A Journey into the Unknown
Take Photon on a trip which will allow you to explore previously undiscovered trails. Watch out not to go off course. Control Photon by following a fixed path. This will allow the robot to safely reach the finish.
Save the Planet
Learn eco-friendly behaviour through play
The Save the Planet package is a set of modern and innovative games that teach active participation in pro-ecological activities. Thanks to their well-profiled play, children become familiar with the problems of the modern world and feel that they have a real impact on change. The package will help understand how important it is for our planet to fight for water purity, reuse raw materials or care for animals. Active participation in the disposal of virtual rubbish and helping the ocean population displayed with the funtronic interactive floor will facilitate the education of children in the scope of sensitivity and responsibility for the immediate environment. Each of the prepared games offers a number of levels and interactive boards that encourage them to learn through play, and teach them how to interact with other players. The Save the Planet package is not only great entertainment, but also an unforgettable ecology lesson that will be with your children for years to come.
For who?
- Children from 4 to 12 years old
Game modes:
- Single-player
- In pairs
- In groups
What makes this package exceptional?
- 4 unique applications with more than 30 eco-friendly games
- Expanding knowledge about caring for the environment
- Children’s motor involvement
- Development of cause and effect thinking
- Learning care and responsibility for the environment
- Possibility of involving environmental education in different methods of therapy
- Development of large motor skills
- Methodological and educational framework
About the author:
Iwona Osiecka - physiotherapist / child development expert
Drawing on her 30-year experience, she supports children and their parents in developmental difficulties. Graduate of the Academy of Physical Education and many specialised courses on neurodevelopmental therapy. Outside of work, enthusiast of healthy and active lifestyle, which she instilled into her sons. She is keen to support any initiatives to save the planet.
As soon as there was an opportunity to participate in an ecological project carried out by Funtronic, I immediately seized it. I believe that caring for the surrounding nature, that is to say our common home, is the responsibility of every human being. Let’s also remember that children are our future, and it’s them who will be creating it. That is why it’s worth teaching them respect for the environment from an early age. The SAVE THE PLANET package is not only about fun, but also learning how to wisely care for our planet.

Rushing River
Plastic monsters can lurk anywhere. Every one of us has to fight them every day. Join the game and save the rivers from the piles of plastic!

Sea Battle
Help creatures who live in the ocean depths! Clean the sea from trash and save animals that are entangled. Maybe you have an idea how to reuse items that you have collected from the water?

Save the animals
Dolphins, whales, seals, turtles and many other creatures living in the water need your help! As soon as you look at an animal caught in a net or buried under a pile of trash, show your fast reflexes and free it quickly! No matter how old you are! Every person can help our little friends!

Use it again
Look around and find seemingly unnecessary items that you can give a second life! Everything depends on your imagination and fantasy. Show your creativity and resourcefulness. By creating something out of nothing, you help reduce the production of waste!
8 games and as many as 24 fantastic adventures
Playground consists of eight captivating games and as many as twenty-four fantastic adventures. Each game also means 3 different levels and an additional MIXED level offering a mix of different commands. Thanks to varied scenery, children will be happy to join the unforgettable adventures that take place on a track, in space, in the attic or on the ocean floor. The authors of the PLAYGROUND package prepared a number of engaging missions to combine learning and play. Each game can help to memorise up to 150 new sentences! Children will have to free a tiger from a speeding carousel, safely swim upstream by kayak or enter a medieval castle by solving riddles. And because all narration is in English, new words and phrases will almost automatically be kept in the memory of young explorers!
For who?
- Children from 7 to 12 years old
Game modes:
- Single-player
- In pairs
- In groups
What makes this package exceptional?
- 8 games and 24 fantastic adventures
- Developing cooperation skills
- Possibility to learn with many senses
- Familiarising children with british, american and australian accents
- Help in learning new vocabulary
- Reducing fear of making linguistic errors
- Commands in games recorded by children and adults
- Contains rich language full of collocations and idioms
- Clear visuals make it easier to guess the meaning of new words from context
- Methodological and educational framework
About the authors:
Ania Gębka-Suska
Curious about the world and people, English teacher, methodologist, author of a textbook, didactic materials and computer games. She eagerly takes on new challenges and usually gets the job done. She is the founder of the 4ELT centre, which promotes high-quality foreign language learning and innovation in education. The story of the Playground game began long before the creation of the onEVO floor. In 1991, together with Gosia Horała, we issued the first in Poland English language textbook for children under the same title, accompanied by tapes with recordings and a workbook. In that time, it was something truly unique! Even back then, our goal was to activate students by cutting, colouring, playing and listening. From the very beginning, we’ve been impressed by the possibility to learn with many senses without leaving the classroom. We hope that learning English with the Playground package will provide children with a lot of joy and make learning much easier.
The package also includes:
- Lesson plans with game instructions
- Worksheets

Skipping rope
Together with your team, decide if the sentence you hear is true or false. You will choose the final answer by jumping on the appropriate box. There is a lot of movement waiting for you in ‘Skipping rope’! In the next levels, jumping will take place in many extraordinary locations. From the yard, we will move to the area of a wild stream, and from there to a dangerous route in the mountains. This game is a great lesson of attentive listening and teamwork.

Line up in rows and start both a thrilling race and an unforgettable English lesson. The person who solves the puzzle and runs through the right image will open a secure passage to avoid virtual dangers. The right decisions will help to save the whole group and become a game hero!

‘Merry-go-round’ is a carousel of engaging challenges and thrilling adventures. Thieves at the airport and a deadly water whirl are just some of the adversities that await you in this captivating game. Check how many characters and objects you can rescue from the speeding carousel. Learn how to act with other players while learning a countless number of new words and phrases.

Picnic challenge
Whether you’re going up into space or going for a car ride, each adventure requires preparing adequate equipment or provisions. In ‘Picnic Challenge’, your task is to make sure that all necessary items are placed in the picnic basket. Listen carefully to the indications of the narrator don’t forget anything important!

Sandbox challenge
Get ready for an intense search! It won’t be easy to find precious items lost in a sandbox or gifts hidden under snow piles, but it’s only the beginning of thrilling struggles that await you in the ‘Sandbox Challenge’. Rescuing a camp destroyed by a desert storm will be another incredible challenge for the players. Dedication will be rewarded by learning many new English words!

Obstacle course
Who said that obstacle courses are fun only during PE lessons. ‘Obstacle Course’ is not only a physical activity but also an opportunity to show fast reflexes. To correctly identify obstacles, you’ll need to learn many English words. When running on a track, canoeing and going up into space, speed won’t be your only ally. In each adventure, knowing English will help you avoid collisions!

Memory game
Discover the new version of ‘Memory game’. Looking for pairs is even more exciting when passwords and pictures are hidden in different interesting places. Glimpse into an old dresser which has been in a scary attic for years, search through the clouds high in the sky or dive into the depths of the ocean. What can you do to make the game even more exciting? Look for pairs in… pairs. When each player can reveal only one card, the fun will take on a whole new dimension!

In this game, you will face a challenge that is often really annoying on a daily basis. Especially if you don’t like to clean your room. It’s about putting things in place. Luckily, in this case, the boring daily life can turn into great fun! Connect appropriate objects with places where they should be placed. This will help you make English sentences that will help you win!
Interactive and virtual lab that allows you to conduct experiments and simulations
The Experiments package is dedicated for young explorers who are curious about the world, which allows to learn more about the exciting world of science. It’s a virtual physico-chemical laboratory where children can discover through play how important natural phenomena work. Beautifully illustrated games will make it easy to understand how the atoms of individual elements are built and what rules govern the periodic table. On the example of harmonic motion, children will be able to find out what factors affect the speed of vibration. Young physics adepts will also learn the secrets of ballistics and wave motion. The Experiments package is a great way to awaken curiosity in children and show that science is not necessarily difficult. Thanks to education, physics and chemistry will be associated by students from an early age with discovering the secrets of the world, and not with boring patterns and incomprehensible definitions!
For who?
- Children from 10 to 18 years old
Game modes:
- Single-player
- In pairs
- In groups
What makes this package exceptional?
- 4 educational games arousing curiosity
- Learning through play
- Learning physics and chemistry
- Familiarising children with the exact sciences

Atoms - Structure of Elements
Learn about the structure and properties of atoms. Discover the secrets of protons, neutrons and electrons by plunging into the world of chemical experiments. See how individual elements are built and where they can be found on the periodic table. Take part in interactive activities and test your knowledge!

Springs - Simple Harmonic Motion
By experimenting with the mass of weights, you can discover a lot of the secrets of the world of physics. Check what factors affect the speed of vibration of a spring. Learn the strength of elasticity and test your knowledge.

Cannon - Projectile Motion
Ballistics is a fascinating science that deals with the launching and flight behaviour of projectiles. ‘Cannon - projectile motion’ is a great way to understand its secrets. Explore the path of a projectile and see the differences between horizontal, vertical, and diagonal projections. And when you’re ready, test your knowledge and see what is still worth revising.

Rope - Waves
Learn the wave propagation mechanism. See what a transverse wave looks like and find out what is an amplitude and a frequency. ‘Rope’ will help you understand the difficult physical issues, which you will learn through playing and participating in experiments.
Nutrition education
What we eat directly affects our health. Vitamins, omega acids and iron contained in our meals allow us, through a proper and balanced diet, to keep ourselves healthy and energetic for years. Unfortunately, this extremely important topic is still insufficiently addressed in both pre-school and school education. Particularly the youngest children know very little about healthy eating and the nutritional benefits contained in various products. It is with children and their proper development in mind that the ‘Nutrition education’ game package was created. Together with Bruno the Broccoli, children will embark on a journey to learn about the principles of healthy eating and acquire proper eating habits. Our hero travels in a time machine, thanks to which players will have the opportunity to visit dinosaurs, ancient Egypt or the City of the Future!
The games, developed in cooperation with specialists, familiarise children with the food pyramid and are therapeutic. A unique composition of six applications enables both the physical and cognitive development of children. In addition, while playing, they train visual perception, eye-hand coordination, attention concentration or the classification of objects according to their size, shape and colour. During the games, children also practise movement patterns and direction recognition.
The Nutrition education package allows you to instil the right habits in children in an attractive way through play in a fun world of augmented reality, and teach them a healthy, conscious and consistent approach to nutrition. This is extremely important – especially in the case of pre-schoolers and school-age children as the eating habits formed in the early years of life have a direct impact on the choices they make as adults.
Who is it for?
- school and pre-school children
Game mode
- single player
- in groups
What makes this package special?
- cognitive training
- shaping proper eating habits
- possibility of individual or group play
- activating children through movement
- 6 amazing applications and as many as 55 interactive games
About the authors:
Agnieszka Ciemińska - speech therapist, educator and therapist.
She gained professional experience in numerous therapeutic centres, counselling centres for children struggling with autism or by conducting classes in special needs pre-schools. In her professional work, she has dealt with speech therapy, pedagogical therapy, speech and music therapy and workshops of fine motor skills and bilateral integration. Currently, she is focussing on methods of neurodevelopmental therapies.
Tomasz Śliwowski - linguist and therapist
Linguist and therapist. He is fascinated by neurodevelopmental therapy. He has gained experience in numerous therapeutic centres, thanks to which he has had the opportunity to work with patients with various levels of development challenges requiring flexibility while conducting classes.
“One can say that addressing the problems of poor nutrition among children was the goal of this project itself. This topic has been gaining popularity recently and we think that it’s a great time to approach the users of the funtronic interactive floor with a proposal of an interactive game that entertains and educates. Following this path, we have included issues related to nutrition education [in the package] such as the influence of particular products on particular areas of functioning, the pyramid of healthy nutrition, the benefits resulting from eating various colourful foods or the importance of a second breakfast. We have seen many examples which demonstrate that nutritional awareness is still a topic that needs support. The possibilities offered by the funtronic interactive floor are considerable in this respect; after all, it has been known for a long time that learning through play – especially movement – is associated with a better chance of consolidating the acquired knowledge.”
In the package you will also find:
- worsheets
- lesson plans with game instructions
- picture stories

Dino school
Bruno starts his mission to spread knowledge about healthy eating in prehistoric times! Together with him, you will go to the school for little dinosaurs. You will be guided through a series of tasks by our hero. Follow in the footsteps of creatures and classify products. Look out for healthy products and feed them to the dinosaurs!

Egyptian Darkness
Bruno moves to ancient Egypt. Due to a timeline disturbance caused by Broccoli's travels, one of the pyramids turns into a modern supermarket! Help our hero undo this and collect the right products from shop shelves to recreate the food pyramid! However, watch out for the battery level of your torch. If it gets low, you can recharge it by running around the designated field.

Rainbow Rescue
Your next stop is the Middle Ages. Help our hero save the princess trapped in the tower. To do this, Bruno will have to get to the tower on the rainbow leading to the castle. However, it is faded. To restore its colours, you need to collect food products in a particular colour. To do this, spin the wheel and collect bubbles filled with items in the colour you have drawn. Then, complete the missing items on the rainbow stairs.

Chief and educator
More challenges are in store for you in the Wild West. There, Bruno will play the role of a sage teaching members of an Indian tribe what to eat to stay healthy. Help him and face the memory game! Uncover the cards and remember that you need pairs of the same food to win. Then you and Brun will pick up the bow to hit the target with carrots. Your next task in Wild West is to defeat the virus. Play the shown sound sequences and fight off all diseases. The last mission is to get out of the maze. On your way, look for ingredients to keep your teeth healthy.

Bruno traverses space-time heading to the City of the Future. As he travels through a section related to modern times, he receives a disturbing signal. Its sender is Brunhilda – Bruno’s friend who needs help preparing food for school. Your task will be to choose the ingredients that the girl can eat for lunch. Choose healthy snacks and make sure they are well-prepared.

Planetary Delivery
Together with Bruno, you are going to visit the City of the Future. Here, you will play the role of suppliers of healthy food. Bruno picks up orders for meals composed according to the criteria of a healthy plate of food and starts a space voyage to complete the ingredients. Help him complete this route by choosing the right colour of road. Take a look around the cockpit and discover all the nooks and crannies of the ship. During your journey, you will visit various planets where exciting tasks await you.
Little fitness
Children’s curiosity about the world and their desire to explore it has accompanied them since their first months of life. This is what inspired us to create the unique LITTLE FITNESS package! Designed by experts, the applications take place in outer space, by a lake or in a meadow. The various themes, scenery and difficulty level of the games, allow the facilitator to match the suitable gameplay to the psycho-physical capabilities of the individual.
Activities for the youngest are divided into two levels taking into account children’s motor and cognitive development. Each level contains 6 themed applications with up to 18 interactive games that transport players into the amazing world of nature. The first level is designed primarily for the youngest (crawling babies), but older children can also enjoy the exercise and have fun. The second level is dedicated to older children - however, all the games have been described in such a way as to allow work with children from 6 months to 6 years of age - they are suitable for both group and individual activities.
The graphics and sounds are friendly to young children, stimulating their curiosity and inspiring them to play. The game themes can be an excellent starting point for expanding a child’s knowledge and creating interests related to a variety of areas.
When used with one child, the package has a positive effect on the individual, balanced psychomotor development of the toddler. In the case of group work, the applications created with specialists shape the children socially - they learn to cooperate, join forces and together solve problems that arise during the game. Through active games based on movement, it shapes perceptiveness and attention, improves the child’s general fitness - motor coordination, balance, speed or flexibility.
Who is it for?
- children from 6 months to 6 years old
Game modes:
- Single-player
- In groups
What makes this package special?
- 36 interactive games contained in 12 themed applications, divided into two levels
- supporting children's correct psycho-physical development
- formation of players' visual and auditory reception
- supporting the physical area of child development
- 75 worksheets, 36 sets of exercises using real objects and 6 lesson scenarios
- social development of children
About the authors:
dr Lucyna Milewska – Moneta
Passionate teacher, methodologist, lecturer in pedagogical studies (e.g. in Biomechanics, Biomedics and P.E. methodology), looking for new challenges in the broadly understood education of children and teenagers.
„The undeniable inspiration for designing the game scenarios came from many years of careful observation of children’s development in a changing social and technological environment. Every child is different, unique in his or her own way, so the range of choices available to reach them, to convey information, should be very diverse.”
mgr Anna Biernacka
Graduate of Biology, Pedagogy and Psychology at the University of Warsaw. Sensory integration therapist, pedagogical therapist, cognitive therapy coach using Feuerstein’s method. Certified EMDR therapist, participant of a 4-year training in cognitive behavioural therapy for children, teenagers and adults.
„The designed games were intended to be attractive to the youngest children, from the moment they start to move independently exploring their surroundings until the end of pre-school education. This age range in particular is very important for the psycho-physical development of every child. It is characterised by the intensive formation of new connections in the cerebral cortex. It is also of great importance in terms of preparing a solid ground for future school readiness and undertaking school-related tasks.”
The package also includes:
- lesson scenarios with game instructions
- worksheets




































Magic Xmas
No time of the year is looked forward to with such anticipation as Christmas. It is a time of warmth, love and closeness, filled with joy and celebration. With children and adults in mind, we have prepared a unique game package called MAGIC XMAS. With it, you can celebrate the Christmas season together by having fun as a family. The games are perfect for the youngest funtronic interactive floor users as well as for adults. Rediscover the childlike excitement in you and embark on a journey full of Christmas magic together with your little ones! Decorate the Christmas tree together, set the Christmas table and bake gingerbread cookies. And that’s not all! Magical assignments, alongside Santa and the elves and lots of winter activities in the snow, also await the players.
The MAGIC XMAS package can be used for playing and studying individually and in groups. The games are interactive, positively influence social and psychomotor development, shape eye-hand coordination, improve perceptiveness and build children’s sense of agency. The graphics and sounds bring the atmosphere of Christmas closer, create pleasant connotations, stimulate curiosity and encourage users to be active. Moreover, the children learn about Christmas, the preparations for Christmas Eve and safe activities in the snow.
For who?
- for everyone aged 6 and over
Game modes:
- single
- in pairs
- in groups
What makes this package exceptional?
- 15 magical games with a winter and christmas theme
- learning christmas traditions and safe activities in the snow
- developing psychomotor and social skills
- age isn't a factor, almost everyone can play
- building a sense of agency and improving eye-hand coordination
- training in agility and speed
Game authors:
A passionate teacher, methodologist, lecturer in pedagogical studies (subjects such as Biomechanics, Biomedicine and P.E. Methodology), looking for new challenges in the education of children and young people in a broad sense.
„Arguably, my inspiration for creating the methodological shell for the ‘Magic Xmas’ game bundle was its graceful theme. Christmas is the most wonderful of all holidays; it is magical! I love winter and everything associated with this time of year. Christmas is about celebrating traditions and family gatherings in a love- and joy-filled way. The games and accompanying materials form a complete whole, contributing to the build-up of children’s cognitive and social competencies."
The package also includes:
- lesson plans with game instructions
- worksheets

Show your knowledge and decorate the tree in the correct order. Decide which decorations go on the tree first and which come last. Do your best, and you’ll be congratulated by someone special!

You have an important task ahead of you. You need to prepare the tableware for the Christmas table. Look carefully and then arrange all the items in the right places so the dinner can begin! Do your best, there’s a prize waiting for you!

Christmas decorations
The longed-for holidays are finally approaching. You need to decorate your Christmas tree. Direct the bauble to the right place to please everyone with its beauty and radiance. Place the decorations according to their size. Hurry up - the time to dress the tree is limited!

Gingerbread is almost an obligatory part of Christmas. Discover the recipe for a wonderful gingerbread cake. Smell the spices and bake your own cookies. After taking them out of the oven, you can decorate them with icing and sprinkles. And last but not least, collect all the finished cookies and arrange them on a plate!

On Christmas Eve, Santa delivers presents to all households. Unfortunately, some chimneys are too tight for him, and he has trouble getting out! Help Santa, who got stuck in a chimney. Pull him out using ropes. If you do it with your friends, it will take less time!

Snow is always a good opportunity for snowball fights. Challenge a friend or the computer and have a snow battle. Make as many accurate throws as possible before the 90 seconds are up, and win!

Step into the role of an elf and help pack Santa’s sleigh. Grab the presents with a hook and place them on the sleigh. Be careful and don’t knock down the presents!

Grab the Presents
Get a group of friends together. Become Santa Clauses and catch presents. The first person to collect ten gift sacks wins!

It’s snowing! Catch as many snowflakes as you can! Keep your eyes fixed on the sky. Somewhere out there, Santa’s carriage is zooming by - if you spot him, you’ll earn extra points. Are you playing as a team? Use a stopwatch and have a timed competition. Who can catch the most snowflakes?

The season of the year awaited by all children - winter - has arrived. The ground has been covered with a soft, white blanket. The snow creaks merrily under our feet. Play as you like - make an angel, roll around in the snow or throw snowballs!

Paint the baubles to spread the festive atmosphere. Choose your favourite colours and hang the finished bauble on a stand. Show off your work to your friends. If you feel like it, start again!

Plenty of snow has fallen, so you can finally make a giant snowman! Shape three balls of the right size. Remember to dress and decorate the snowman accordingly.

Walnut Frenzy
An elf smashes walnuts for Christmas. Unfortunately, some of them are rotten. Help the elf pick out nice and healthy walnuts. Take your time and pass him as many suitable nuts as possible before time runs out!

The mischievous Gnome has decided to destroy the Christmas tree and is bombarding it with snowballs. Your task is to protect it. Deflect the snowballs, and don’t let them damage the tree!

On his way to the children, Santa’s presents fell out of his sleigh. Help him collect them. Be careful - steer the sleigh to avoid colliding with tall trees.